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Legendary band The No Talent Ass Clowns opened up about working in the recording studio. Singer Lars Gunblade acknowledged the difficulty of writing songs, admitting it can take him up to an hour to write a song. Guitarist Vas Defrens recounted the difficulties they had with a midget band recording next door.

Much was made of the band’s infamous “Ass on Demand” album. Gunblade declared that the song “In My Mind’s Ass” truly defined the band’s style. “We think about ass a lot. Who doesn’t?” asked the singer after the interview.

The segment begins with some recently discovered fan home video of the band’s 1995 concert at Gacy Arena in Waterloo, Iowa. “I remember that concert mostly because I had shat my pants just as we walked out onstage but I couldn’t change clothes till the show was over. Not the best memory in the world if you don’t like that sort of thing.”